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Sessions for People

Sometimes people may want sessions for themselves and not a pet.  These are some of the healing sessions that I offer. Many can be combined into customized packages. Any process that is hands on needs to be in person but others may be carried out remotely.

Sessions can be used to compliment any traditional medicine or medical services you are currently receiving.

Access Bars ®

The bars is a process where 32 points on the head are touched. This stimulates positive change in the brain and promotes reduction of stress and increase in positive feelings.

Read more here.

Access Energetic Facelift

This is a gentle energetic process that deepens and quickens the body's natural healing capacities. The facelift can also contribute to your whole body making you feel rejuvenated.

Read more here.

Body Processes

There are over 40 body processes that I can choose from to see what would contribute the most to your body. These processes can release many stuck energies.

Holy Fire® Reiki

Reiki sessions may promote stress reduction, relaxation, and healing energies. These are gentle yet powerful energies that will flow to the area that requires it the most. This might be on a body, mind, or spiritual level

Quantum Frequencies

Using the Healy device, you are scanned for which frequencies you may need. This might help to bring light to areas you never knew you needed healing in. Results may be immediate or seen after a few days.

Additional Services

House/Land Clearing Sessions

Aurora Scanning


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