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Working with Amy

Every client begins with a consultation. Pets are incredible communicators. I will begin by asking him/her for permission to aid with healing and the duration of time he/she would like to work with me…if at all. This healing will ultimately be up to the pet, and together with the pet guardian we will develop an optimal support plan for the pet’s desires.

Once these sessions get rolling, there may be homework. The pet guardian has to be just as committed to the healing of the pet as the pet is. The homework should be simple, but it will be customized based on what the pet wants.

There are various products that may be recommended. This will be conducted using applied kinesiology to ensure it will be something your pet accepts.

My recommendations will always be wholistic in nature that will benefit the pet in the greatest way without doing any harm to your loved one.

Examples of Session Types

Holy Fire® and Animal Reiki

Reiki is a complementary therapy for animals and can be done with any other veterinary treatments. Reiki will go where it is required to create the most benefit for the animal.

Some of the possible benefits include:

  • Reducing stress.
  • Improving recovery from injury or surgery.
  • Reducing side effects from illness, medications, and chronic conditions.
  • Assisting with behavioral issues like separation anxiety.
  • Increasing peace.
  • Promoting general well-being.
  • Reducing compassion fatigue.

Quantum Frequencies

Pets are distantly scanned for what they require the most for their emotional or physical support at that time. Frequency scans on a pet may reveal underlying conditions by letting the caregiver know what area of the body to look at.

I can also send frequencies related to homeopathic remedies, Schuessler salts, and flower essences.

There are also specific animal programs that the pet may want.

If a pet is having surgery, I can prepare a session that may improve recovery.

Animal Communication

Are you curious about what your pet would like to communicate with you? Allow me to connect with your beloved animal and discover what they want to share with you.

I enjoy talking with your pet to see what  they would like to have them have their best life possible.


What our clients are saying

Our dog would not be alive if he was treated with only traditional veterinary medicine. The wholistic support has really helped support his heart condition and overall health.

DR- Michigan

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