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Listening to the

Body and Spirit

of your Pet

Offerings for Pets

I understand the connection people have with their pets, they become more than family to you. Over the years, I have learned there are so many ways to support your pet - not just their body, but also their soul. Some of these methods are much more simple than you may think.

My strategy is a wholistic approach, so this doesn’t lend itself to ‘one and done’ sessions. There are a variety of modalities I offer and will create a custom package tailored to you and your pets needs. Do you have a pet that has changed his/her eating habits? Does your pet seem more lethargic? Is he/she acting anxious?
Intuitively, I will connect in to support your pets energetic needs. Health concerns can often start small, why not support your pet on whatever path they are on?

No Current Pets?

I can provide an energetic refresh for your house, body processes for locals, Reiki, and other remote sessions are available.  I can also provide animal communication for pets that have passed. If you are considering a new pet, I can see if they would be a good match for you.

“Everyone thinks they have the best dog. And non​e of them are wrong.” – W.R. Purche
“You cannot share your life with a dog … or a cat, and not know perfectly well that animals have personalities and minds and feelings.” – Jane Goodall

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” ― Anatole France​

“Pets reflect you like mirrors. When you are happy, you can see your dog smiling and when you are sad, your cat cries.” – Munia Khan
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